18 de


Faça sua inscrição

7 Palestrantes

50 Participantes

A NullByte Security Conference surge através da ideia de um grupo de amigos para movimentar a cena do hacking na capital baiana. O intuito é que o evento se repita sempre, incentivando a disseminação e a troca de conhecimento sobre hacking e segurança da informação na Bahia.

Os temas abordados serão limitados às seguintes áreas:

  • Exploit development techniques
  • Telecom security and phone phreaking
  • Fuzzing and application security test
  • Penetration testing
  • Web application security
  • Techniques for development of secure software and systems
  • Mobile exploitation
  • Reverse engineering
  • Rootkits
  • Security in Wi-Fi and VoIP environments
  • Information about smartcard and RFID security and similars
  • Security aspects in SCADA and industrial environments and "obscure" networks
  • Cryptography

Confira o que rolou nos últimos anos:

"Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike."

+++The Mentor+++


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